1 bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts, set out at room temperature for 20 minutes
2 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs, set out at room temperature for 20 minutes
4 tbsp softened unsalted butter
1 tbsp + 2 tsp chopped sage
1 lbs russet potatoes cut into a ¼-inch dice
1 tsp olive oil
Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
In a small bowl, combine butter and 1 tablespoon sage. Use your hands to run half of butter under the skin of the breasts and thighs. Spread the other half of the butter on the outside of all the chicken pieces.
In a bowl, toss remaining sage with potatoes oil, and a liberal amount of salt. Toss until combined.
Spread potatoes on a large sheet pan. Place chicken pieces on top. Liberally season chicken with salt. Place chicken in the oven for 25 minutes. Turn the heat up to 450 degrees. Roast until skin is golden brown and crispy, another 15 minutes. If potatoes aren't crispy yet, remove chicken from the pan and the potatoes a toss, place the potatoes back in the oven. Roast until crisp.
And now about the veggie. Do you have a cat? Do you have a cat that wakes you up at 3 AM? This morning I was wide awake. Thank you, Lucy. I reached for the tablet and started checking out Facebook. Lucy is asleep next to me on the couch as I am typing, so peaceful... Anyway earlier, much earlier, I found a video of Oven Fried Vegetables. The video showed oven fried carrots and asparagus and green beans and a lot of others but the one I remembered was the zucchini. And naturally, I could not find the video again.
The zucchini is cut into spears and dredged in egg then tossed in a
blend of breadcrumbs, cheese, salt, pepper and oregano. I think there
were other ingredients in the video but that is what I used. I do
remember it said to bake at 400˚ for 20 minutes. I also turned them at
10 minutes. Nice flavor. Will definately make again. Just wish I could
remember the other vegetables...