Friday, August 24, 2012

A Most Delicious Pasta Dish

Okay that sounds like I am bragging but gosh this was so good!
I was looking at a bowl of tomatoes, zucchini and white eggplant from my Dad's garden. I will be going to his house tomorrow so there will be more vegetables coming home with me. I decided to make a Summer Vegetable Pasta Sauce.

I sauteed chopped onion in olive oil. Then I added chopped tomatoes, zucchini and white eggplant. A knob of butter was added and I seasoned the pan with salt, pepper, basil, parsley, oregano and crushed red pepper. After the veggies were cooked I added about a 1/2 cup of white wine. Meanwhile the pasta was cooking. I added about a 1/2 cup of the pasta water to the saute pan. Next I added the pasta to the pan and let it finish cooking.

It was delicious. Only problem was I added too much pasta, I can't believe I even typed that phrase, for the amount of sauce I made. So the photo is not so good. But trust Chris and I that it was quite good.

And it has been a few days since I posted something cute involving a cat...
Let's call this one The Green Bean That Was Saved By the Bell, Starring Lucy and the Green Bean -

So what did we have for dinner a year ago?

So what did we have for dinner 2 years ago?
So what did we have for dinner 3 years ago?
Vegetarian Ribollita


Mary Bergfeld said...

Your impromptu pasta sounds scrumptious. I'll wager it was delicious. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

Pam said...

It sounds good to me! I've never had white eggplant and will be looking for it at the farmers' market. Lucky you with your dad's garden; I miss the gardens my dad had. Great video with your cat! My cats love to play with the pieces I drop when snapping the beans, but they never eat them. Have a wonderful Sunday!