Monday, September 7, 2015

Rustic Salad

I got the idea for this salad from Lidia's Commonsense Italian Cooking. But I used our "House Dressing." I boiled the potatoes and the hard boiled eggs. I chopped the scallions. I mixed the cooled potatoes, 1/2 a can of drained and rinsed cannellini beans and the scallions with some of the dressing. I mixed arugula with some of Jake's Green Leaf Lettuce. I added some dressing to the lettuce and topped it with the potato mixture. Added the eggs on top and some chopped tomatoes. Very good. Keeping it light this Labor Day.

1 comment:

Zampette in pasta said...

Ciao, grazie della visita.
Mi piace la tua ricca e colorata insalata, anche a me piacciono le insalate così che con le proteine dei fagioli diventano un sano piatto unico!!!
Se Lucy è la tua bella gattina nera assomiglia tantissimo al mio vispo Nerello, vedo che anche tu ami i gatti!!!