Saturday, August 12, 2017

Grilled Steak, Corn and Mom's Green Bean Salad

A perfectly grilled steak. Perfect corn on the cob. Thank you Cole's Farm Stand. And that Green Bean Salad. One of my favorite summer memories, aside from the Musk Melon with Ice Cream, more on that later this week, would be my Mom's Green Bean Salad. 
Tonight I think I hit the nail on the head. I added celery and celery leaves and my Mom's signature ingredient. Olives. Sliced olives. There was just the right amount of olive oil and vinegar. Salt, pepper, oregano. I tossed in some fresh chopped parsley too. Damn it was spot on! The dinner plate was filled with so many delicious things it was hard to pick what to eat first. Of course, I started with the Green Bean Salad.

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