Tuesday, April 14, 2020


We have been watching Chef Michael Symon's cooking videos every night at dinner. It reminds me was watching the Mike Douglas show at dinner when I was little. A couple of nights ago he made Pasticcioish. It was suggested we have this for Easter but I had other plans.

I opted for a night during the week after Easter. I made the sauce on Saturday so tonight I just had to make the Bechamel Sauce and cook the pasta. Then in the oven for 30 minutes and we were done!

During the video, Chef Symon mentioned that his mother uses a long thin pasta that was like spaghetti but had a hole it in. I found that pasta at Fresh Market.

The sauce was tasty. I think we would have preferred our usual Bolognese sauce. The cinnamon in the sauce is not something we are accustomed to.

The Bechamel Sauce was spot on if I do say so myself.

I made 1/2 of the recipe and we have enough leftover for a whole meal.

Click here for the recipe.

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