Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Cianfotta Faicchiana - Vegetable Stew

The other day I noticed someone from Naples Italy had visited my blog. They visited a post from 2010. I looked at the post and decided to make that recipe. It was delicious... after I made a couple of revisions to the recipe.

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 zucchini, cubed
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 1/2 cups cubed eggplant, tossed with salt an allowed to drain of its juices
2 zucchini, cubed
2 cups Marcella Hazan Tomato Sauce

Heat 2 tsp. olive oil in a pan. Add the zucchini, potatoes and eggplant and cook until golden.
Next, add the Marcella Hazan Sauce and cook, covered for about 30 minutes.
When the cooking is almost completed take off the cover, turn up the heat, and cook until the liquid evaporates. Serve at room temperature.

I picked up half a loaf of pepperoni bread to serve with the stew. Good call.

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