Thursday, August 27, 2020

Zuppardi's Sausage Pie

Chris had said that we would be getting a delivery one day this week and our planned menu would change. The last time he said this was when he ordered Pat's King of Steaks Subs. I had no idea what to expect. Zuppardi's Pizza! Sausage Pie! Six of them! 

When I was growing up if we did not have my Mom's Pizza we were eating Zuppardi's. They were around the corner from our house.

I was so excited. Chris asked how many we should heat up. At first I said just one, but remembering I really did not have that much for lunch I said to heat up two. 

As they were heating up the aroma in the kitchen reminded me of walking in to Zuppardi's. And they pies were amazing. Perfect crusty, nice and crispy. No greasy pies here.

There were only 2 pieces left. I already put dibs on them for lunch tomorrow. 

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