Sunday, October 3, 2021

Beef Strudel and Air Fryer KFC Fries


Happy Sunday! I am a New Orleans Saints Fan. Chris is a New York Giants Fan. The two teams played each other today. Blah, Blah, Blah. The Giants win! 
But we are here for what we made for dinner. Beef Strudel and Air Fryer KFC Fries. Yeah, Beef Strudel has been in our repertoire, eeks almost 30 years!!!

I am not sure how I found this recipe, but I am so glad I did. These potatoes were just delicious. The recipe is from It is a copycat recipe for KFC Fries. The only changes I made were omitting the garlic powder and adding cornstarch. I find that gives an extra bit of crunch to the air fried food.

2 large Russet Potatoes
1 large egg
1 Tablespoon milk
1/2 cup flour
1/2 Tablespoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 cup corn starch 
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
Oil for Spraying

Wash and dry Russet potatoes. Cut into wedges, set aside.
Whisk egg and milk in a large bowl. Toss russet potatoes in egg mixture until potatoes are fully covered. Set aside.
Combine flour, salt, paprika, corn starch, and black pepper in a medium sized bowl.
Take a russet potato wedge out of the egg mixture and place it in the flour mixture, coating all sides. Shake off any excess flour. Place wedge on the bottom of a greased Air Fryer basket.
Repeat with the remaining wedges, making sure the wedges are in a single layer on the bottom of the basket.
Spray the wedges with oil, covering any flour spots.
Close the Air Fryer basket and cook the wedges on 360 degrees Fahrenheit for 11 minutes. Open basket, spray any flour spots that you see on the wedges, then flip the wedges. Spray this side of the wedges. Close the Air Fryer basket and cook for 11 more minutes.

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