Saturday, July 16, 2011

Polpette di Carne alla Griglia

Thank you Google Translate for the help with tonight's title!
I had some ground beef and wanted to make meatballs to put on the grill. I added an egg, salt, pepper, oregano, panko bread crumbs, parsley and some Parmesan cheese to the ground meat. I had some blue cheese so that went in the mix. I noticed a bottle of New York Style Hot Dog Onions in the fridge. I thought why not... Wow what an amazing meatball!
I made some polenta with Parmesan cheese. Chris put that on the grill after it firmed up.
Grilled zucchini.
 A wonderful meal on the deck.

Our deck in February -

Our deck now -

1 comment:

Proud Italian Cook said...

I never made meatballs on the grill. but now I want to! They sound fabulous!